CAP Debt help

The Ilkeston CAP Debt Centre is run as a joint partnership with Ilkeston Hope Church & West Hallam Methodist.

If you’re in debt, you’ve come to the right place. CAP is a charity that gives free help to anyone in debt. Thousands of people have already been given help, hope and a solution.  To book an appointment, or to find out more, call the CAP enquiries team on:

0800 328 0006


Is CAP just for Christians?

No. CAP will help anyone regardless of their religious beliefs. We monitor our services to ensure that everybody receives the same caring service regardless of race, nationality, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability.

Does it cost anything?

No. Our services are completely free. We are able to provide a totally free service because CAP is a charity and receives donations from churches and individuals who want to help people.